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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Best bodybuilder - Jay Cutler

Best bodybuilder - Jay Cutler
Professional bodybuilder Jay Cutler, get online videos 

Best Bodybuilder Ever - Jay Cutler

Jay Cutler is a very famous body builder. He was born August 3,1973. He grew up in Massachusetts and lived there for quite some time. He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters. He was the youngest sibling. He received a college degree in Criminal Justice. Now that he is focused on his body building he has moved to Las Vegas to live along with his wife, Kerry.
He has always been involved in sports growing up. He didn't get into body building until he was 18 years old. He started out just wanting to look better but soon he realized he wanted to compete too. Jay quickly found a love for the sport. He is now an IFBB professional bodybuilder. Jay has won the title of Mr. Olympia 3 times in his career. He keeps his weight at 274 when at a competition, but allows himself to get up to 310 during off times.
If you are interested in training, Jay has several DVD's on the market and also a book. He does his training at Gold's Gym in the Las Vegas area. He now has his own website with a newsletter you can sign up to receive. He has hand picked a group of personal trainers that he endorses. You can hire one of them to work with and be taught the same way Jay trains. It is not guaranteed you will look like Jay, but you can get to your best with this training. Jay is still working strong to be the best he can be at this sport.
Do you want to have muscles like jay cutler ? see online videos at musclemeal.net

Friday, September 19, 2014

Gym Workout Bodybuilding Tips

Jay Cutler Gym Workout Bodybuilding Tips

Gym workout programs can vary dramatically from bodybuilder to bodybuilder. One gym bodybuilding workout for one bodybuilding enthusiast can deliver outstanding results while another gym workout can be a disappointment for another bodybuilder.
After thousands of bodybuilding fitness consulting sessions, and publishing a popular weight training guide, I constantly teach bodybuilders a results proven gym workout routine that builds muscle fast.
All you have to do is follow my 8 Gym Workout Bodybuilding Tips and you will soon see your muscle building results double.
8 Gym Bodybuilding Workout Tips
1. Have a clear weight training routine purpose.
Upon entering the gym it is imperative to have a clear cut bodybuilding routine plan of action. You should know exactly what exercises you will perform, how much weight you will need to lift, and how many reps you must beat. Therefore, your whole bodybuilding routine is 100% planned, set in stone, prior to beginning your gym workout. You must walk into the gym with a definite plan, and purpose.
2. Be in a "warrior" high intensity weight training state of mind.
It is crucial to enter the gym workout focused. I can remember entering the gym and instantly beginning to perspire. I mentally had worked myself up into state of high intensity weight training desire. This is even before I lifted one weight. It is called focus, and anticipation.
Bodybuilding results are only seen when you force yourself to grow. That takes high intensity weight training, as well as ultra high mental focus. Your mind should be totally focused on conquering the next rep. It is important to imagine yourself forcing out that one additional muscle building repetition.
In an effective gym workout, your attitude, and drive will determine your altitude of muscle development.
3. Focus on effective pre- gym workout bodybuilding nutrition.
Make sure you ingest a small amount of complex carbohydrates, and protein approximately 2 hours prior to beginning your gym workout. This will assure you of getting the adequate amounts of energy producing nutrients to expel in your high intensity weight training session.
Another extremely important gym workout tip is to make sure you are properly hydrated with, preferably, water. You should be consuming at least one-half of your bodyweight in ounces each and every day.
Bodybuilding training preparations are similar to space shuttle preparations. Your goal should be to get your system ready for a high intensity weight training blast off.
4. Did you bring your bodybuilding workout log to your gym workout?
One of the biggest mistakes bodybuilders consistently make is neglecting to track their weight lifting progress. Without measuring progress, there generally is little improvement. How do you know what you are suppose to beat if you have no data? How can a department store set sales goals if they don't track sales? It is just absolutely silly seeing bodybuilders completing their gym workouts without recording any data. That what is not measured will not improve.
5. Gym workouts are for training, not socializing.
Remember, you are in the gym to get muscle building results. If you are talking and goofing around, how in the world can you be ultra focused on going to war with the weights? Get your work done, and then socialize if you wish. I tell my clients to stay focused, and don't allow distractions. Focus on conquering that near impossible, muscle growth repetition.
6. Use only proven bodybuilding program principles.
Don't listen to Joe Bodybuilders newest theory on building muscle. Stick to what has been scientifically proven to work. Beware of all the gym chatter floating around. To discover all of the most advanced proven bodybuilding principles visit my muscle building weight training guide presented in digital audio. Bodybuilding Done Right is a how to bodybuilding audio revealing the proven scientific bodybuilding program principle the pros use, but refuse to share.
7. Avoid Overtraining.
Once you have completed your pre-designed 100% high intensity bodybuilding routine, it is time to get out of the gym, and go home and grow. Hold yourself back from doing one extra set. Remember, more is not necessarily better. Stick to your plan. With high intensity weight training you need less volume of work. Any extra basic weight training exercises could be counter productive to your bodybuilding muscle growth.
Get out of the gym, and let your body compensate, and later overcompensate with added fat burning muscle tissue.
Also, make sure your body has fully recovered from the previous gym workout before you train again.
8. Begin the recovery process with optimal bodybuilding nutrition.
You have an hour after your high intensity weight training workout to replenish your glycogen levels, thus, aiding in the muscle building, and recovery process. Take in two parts complex or simple carbohydrates with one part protein. This is an important bodybuilding tip that has been proven to aid in the muscle recovery, and building process. So power your gym workout with these proven tips.
These are 8 important gym workout tips that should be followed. Following these bodybuilding workout tips will do wonders for your weightlifting, muscle building results.Discover the newest bodybuilding breakthrough secrets in Exercise Physiologist Jim O'Connor's cutting edge 90 minute bodybuilding audio. He reveals the most effective, efficient bodybuilding tips [musclemeal.net] for maxmimum muscle growth

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Natural Bodybuilding - How to Build Muscles Naturally best tips

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Natural bodybuilding, whether you are a beginning bodybuilder or a seasoned pro requires that your bodybuilding program is a complete system. You simply cannot build masses of muscles quickly and maintain a toned, sculpted body by going about bodybuilding in a haphazard fashion.
Natural bodybuilding is not about tossing all of the bodybuilding supplements in the trash and then spending countless hours in the gym training hard. This will only lead to exhaustion and potential injury.
There are many bodybuilding programs available to choose from that offer natural bodybuilding methods. Most of these programs are good as far as they go. But many of them only provide part of the picture and do not provide a complete system for natural bodybuilding.
Building muscle requires that five elements be included in any natural bodybuilding program:
  • Strength training
  • Aerobic Exercise
  • Endurance Training
  • Proper Diet With Healthy Nutrition
  • Rest - Including Adequate Sleep
If you make sure your program includes all five elements, you will build muscle faster and actually spend less time in the gym.
Strength training is usually done in the gym and can take very little time if done correctly. Your workout can take as little as three minutes, three times a week, working two muscle groups each day, for roughly one and a half minutes. But you need to put maximum effort into it. If you can do more than 6 or 8 reps, you are not working your muscles hard enough.
Follow strength training with aerobics to build endurance. You really don't need to think about this as long as you are doing everything else. Endurance will build on its own, naturally.
Don't think of aerobic exercise as something you do just to lose weight. Even if you are not trying to lose weight aerobic exercise is still necessary. It helps build muscle, keeps fat off, builds endurance, and strengthens your heart. Some type of aerobic activity three times per week is essential in a natural bodybuilding program.
You have to feed your muscles if you want them to grow. If you do not get enough proper nutrition, they will actually feed on themselves. Follow a good, healthy diet for muscle building. Include protein, as well as other needed vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Rest is something that is often overlooked in our busy world but it is crucial to build muscles. You are not building muscles while you are lifting weights. Your muscles grow when they are at rest. They need this down time to rest and repair themselves. If you are tired, so are your muscles. Get adequate rest and help you muscles grow.
The best natural bodybuilding programs cover all of the essential elements in several ways. Most programs include ebooks, special reports, audio and sometimes video. The top bodybuilding programs also include ongoing coaching as well software to track your nutrition and workout progress.
Review Best Natural BodyBuilding Program at musclemeal.net

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bodybuilding Top Tips and Tricks

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Bodybuilding is a sport that requires a huge amount of discipline on the part of the bodybuilder. In fact, discipline is what drives any good training program. That is because discipline brings about consistency on the manner on how any bodybuilder trains and handles his or her workout program. Disciplined bodybuilders do not waver in their workout regimen or merely go through the motions. Whether rain or shine, tired or full of energy, disciplined bodybuilders are able to make sure that they watch their diet and supplement intake everyday and devote a certain amount of time to workout in the gym.
There are a number of other factors that can spell success or disaster into one's training program. Here are just a few bodybuilding tips and tricks that are guaranteed to help any bodybuilder achieve his or her goals for this New Year.
Get the Right Supplements
It is important for every bodybuilder to ensure that his or her body gets just the right nutrients not only to stay healthy, but to help it get the cuts and build the muscle mass one envisions to achieve. Even beginners to bodybuilding or any fitness training program for that matter understands that protein is one of the most important nutritional supplements to consume. But it is not just the only nutrient that is essential for every bodybuilder. Multi-vitamins are just as important as proteins, but they are also the most underestimated supplements that a bodybuilder can consume. Multi-vitamin supplements help ensure that bodybuilders get all the vitamins and minerals they need for hardcore training, growth and health.
Aside from this, bodybuilders are also able to benefit from supplements that contain creatine and compounds that can increase nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to dilate more and as such, increases the level of oxygen and other nutrients to be distributed through the different cells of the body.
Help from Testosterone
Consuming supplements that contain testosterone is one of the most included suggestions in any bodybuilding tips and tricks guide. That is because, when it comes to the sport of bodybuilding, testosterone would always be king. High levels of testosterone in the body help bodybuilders pack on muscle mass, while burning fat at the same time.
Focus on Weak Areas
One of the biggest hurdles of any bodybuilder is the fact that there are just some areas in their body that do not develop as quickly as others. In order to address this, bodybuilders would spend more time and do additional training on these areas for them to "catch up" with the other parts of the body. Arnold Presses, named after the Oak himself, are a great exercise for isolating the delts. Close grip bench presses can give an extra boost for bodybuilders who find that their chest areas are rather slow in developing. For bodybuilders that need to work double time on their triceps, a great additional exercise is the seated overhead dumbbell extension. Finally, drag curls are excellent in isolating the bicep muscles, especially the outer biceps. All of these exercises can be done with the use of free weights. It is highly suggested that bodybuilders first utilize lighter weights in order to ensure that their form is correct before going on to heavier weights.
Overall it is important to follow a good bodybuilding program that will give you step by step instructions.

Get Instructions on musclemeal.net

Monday, September 15, 2014

Get Big Arms with Secret TIPS

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Having big arms or in other words having big triceps and biceps are cool. Let's face it they have always been cool. Every guy out there would like to have bigger arms because having bigger arms is like a social status and it's supposed to prove something to other people. It seems like whatever kind of problem you're having in your life big arms will always make it better. I am just kidding, but I know you want bigger arms, otherwise you wouldn't be on this article. So without further adieu let's started.
Straight Bar Curls:
There's something about straight bar curls that make your biceps fill with blood and just grow and grow in size and muscle mass. If you have ever done straight bar curls you will know what I mean.
However, to increase the intensity of this particular exercise I recommend you get yourself a spotter so they could help you with forced reps. Also you could do negative reps and partial reps as well. One last thing remember to take each set to complete muscular failure both positively and negatively.
Bicep Machine Curls:
With bicep machine curls you could completely kill your biceps. In a good way that is. Have your training partner help you with forced negatives when you fail completely positively. This will hurt a lot but in the end it's worth every second of it, since your biceps will grow in terms of muscle mass gained. Also, you will probably be very sore the next day too, just giving you a heads up.
Triceps Push-downs:
You could do triceps push downs with a variety of grips and with a variety of equipment such as the rope or with the straight bar. The choice is really up to you. Remember to keep your elbows in when doing this exercise. Keep the form picture perfect and always go to complete muscular failure.
I prefer to do my skull crushers with the EZ bar since I noticed it puts less strain on my elbows. You can do whatever you find most comfortable. You will also need a spotter on this exercise, just go to failure, there is no need to do forced reps and all of that, since it is a very dangerous exercise to do.
Do you see a pattern here? All you need to do is four exercise for your arms and your workout should be done in thirty minutes. There is no need to do fifty million different exercises that target all the heads of the biceps and triceps. All you will need is four exercises that will push you to your breaking point. After that you will simply go home, eat your six meals and recover your resources for the next very intense workout.
Do you want to get bigger arms, build muscles with online guide ? Visit : musclemeal.net

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Can you build muscles at Home ?

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 This is a great question. In fact, people ask this same question on many bodybuilding sites and forums, as well as on fitness channels on YouTube. The answer is well maybe. How much are you planning to bulk? If not so much, then you may not need the gym. If you're really wanting to get ripped, then you may need the gym and its resources.
Why don't people like going to the gym? A few reasons are the cost of the membership, the time it takes to get there, and then there's the shyness/intimidation effect. Some people just don't like to work out in front of people. Why? Self-conscious is usually the reason.
If you're looking to have the body with the aimed for V-shaped back then the gym may not be needed. You will, however, have to buy some weights, a weight bench and some other equipment. To save money, check your local newspapers and garage sales.
If you're looking for hulking muscles with the sculpted body, then a gym will more than likely be necessary. The gym will have a variety of equipment as well as special machines to help sculpt your body into a work of art.
Your body won't know or care whether you work out at a gym or at home. It doesn't care whether your weights are brand new or years old. Your body will respond to training and stimulation regardless.
Your muscles will only grow if you place a progressive overload on them, so you will need more and more weight plates as you move forward. At this point, you'll need to buy even more weights or invest in a gym membership. Don't freak out! It'll take time before you need the extra weight, but if want the larger muscles you will eventually need them.
In conclusion, is a gym membership an absolute necessity? No, you can do wonders with your body if you're determined.
Actually You Can Build Muscles In home By Great Guide musclemeal.net

 Good luck!