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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How to Build Massive Muscle Workout Program

build your muscles

Hello My Friend,

   Do you know that "the best physiques were all built by hard work on the basic, heavy duty exercises?" There are NO exceptions to this statement. Even easy-gainers like John Grimek and Steve Reeves who could build up muscle very easily, would have never reached the Hercules sized muscles they built without maximum effort. John Grimek worked up to squats with 600 pounds, behind the neck presses with 300 pounds, and bench presses with 400 pounds and this was in the days before steroids, HGH and special lifting shirts and leg wraps!
   Genetic advantages or not, John Grimek trained hard and heavy to earn the massive physique he acquired that let him become the only two time Mr. America. And so did every other person with steroid-free natural built massive muscle whose muscles aren't merely bloated, pumped-up tissue. WHAT these basic exercises are, and HOW HARD you must work on them for amazing results, is the "secret formula" you must apply to make a seemingly "simple exercise" into a "super exercise" when you perform it!
My Favorite Basic Exercises for MAXIMUM Muscle Growth
1. The Squat - Regular, parallel, heavy breathing style
2. Stiff-legged dead lift or bent-leg
3. Bench pressing - barbell or heavy dumbbells, Incline or flat bench style
4. Rowing - Bent over, barbell or dumbbells, one or two arm
5. Military Press - Seated or standing, barbell or heavy dumbbells
6. Power cleans barbell or dumbbell
   My observation and experimentation has led me to believe that an exercise is productive in building "muscle mass" if it allows you to use very heavy weights -- brings into play the BIG muscle groups -- and creates lots of over-all body fatigue.
   From this vantage point it's easy to see why most of the exercises followed by most weight lifters do not measure up to the standards required for building maximum muscle mass. Minnie-mouse exercises like Back-to-the-wall-concentration-curls, lateral raises, frontal leg extensions, triceps "kickback", lunges, cable cross-overs and other exercises of the like are a waste of time if your goal is to build Massive Muscles.
   Save yourself time and possibly wasted years of effort. Do NOT bother with the little exercises if your goal is to reach your genetic potential for maximum muscle size and strength.
   Go to the link, and get BODY BUILDING videos, which you can perform at home, to get Really MAXIMUM SIZE MUSCLE !
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